Why is fundraising important for Lipodystrophy UK?
Lipodystrophy UK is a not-for-profit charity run for the benefit of all lipodystrophy patients, their families and their carers. The more donations we receive mean more opportunities for us to help patients and raise awareness of Lipodystrophy and our charity. You can find out more about our mission statement here.
Where do my funds go?
All money raised by and for Lipodystrophy UK is put into promoting the charity and raising awareness of Lipodystrophy. Lipodystrophy needs funds to be able to organise patient days, run the website and pay for promotional material. As the charity grows our goal is to be able to offer up to date information to GP’s nationwide, to make sure that diagnosis and ongoing care is as efficient and consistent for all patients as possible. We would also love to be able to offer financial support to patients that are in need, and to offer financial support for research opportunities.
The patient days that Lipodystrophy UK have organised so far have been in collaboration with the SIR Service at Addenbrookes Hospital and have only been possible once a year. Our hope is that we can eventually raise enough funds to independently run patient days throughout the year, throughout the UK.
Need to pay in your fundraising money?
We are currently working on enabling donations to be made through our website. In the mean-time, all donations to us can be made through Golden Giving’s website. Visit their site here to donate the money you’ve raised from your fundraising event. Thank you!
Need inspiration on fundraising ideas?
Inspiration – planning – fundraising
Fundraising doesn’t have to mean dedicating your life to raising huge amounts. From cake sales to climbing mountains, every little helps! Find an idea that fits in with your life style and go for it! Find others that have done it before and ask them for hints and tips. Our logo is downloadable so you can add it to your advertising or sponsorship material.
I’ve got a place in a sports event
That is fantastic! We would love you to take part on behalf of Lipodystrophy UK. Don’t forget to download our logo to use for your promotional material and our sponsorship form to collect your donations.
Download our logo for your fundraising material
Please feel free to download our logo for your fundraising ideas. You could turn it into a poster, a sponsorship form, or even have it put on a t-shirt!
Download our sponsorship form for your fundraising event
Please feel free to download our sponsorship form for your fundraising event.
Don’t have the time to fundraise but still want to help us raise funds
You can always make a donation. We would love you to donate whatever you can afford. You can choose to set up a regular payment from as little as £5 per month or do a one-off donation.