Medical Referral

Medical referral

Information on medical referrals to the National Severe Insulin Resistance Service

The National Severe Insulin Resistance Service (SIR) at Addenbrookes in Cambridge is a specialist service that treats people affected with Lipodystrophy and it’s associated conditions in the UK.

For people living with Lipodystrophy, or suspected to have Lipodystrophy (provided they fit the referral criteria), can be referred to this clinic.

Information for referring clinicians

For more information on the National Severe Insulin Resistance Service (SIR) at Addenbrookes hospital, you can visit their website at:

This page contains information about the service they offer, the referral criteria, contact details and explanations and documents on how to refer a patient.

Information for self referrals

Patients with confirmed Lipodystrophy (e.g., those with affected family members or a previous diagnosis who would like specialist opinion) can self-refer to the National Severe Insulin Resistance Service (SIR) at Addenbrookes hospital in Cambridge. You can self refer by emailing the clinic:

Adult family members have to contact the Addenbrooke’s clinic themselves due to confidentiality, so someone cannot refer their adult sibling or grown up child, it has to come directly from them.

Some patients contact the clinic and their medical history is not very clear. In these cases a referral will need to be made from their GP so that the clinic can have a bit more information before they offer them an appointment. The reason they do this is sometimes when people self-refer, when they get to clinic it is obvious that they do not have Lipodystrophy or insulin resistance and then it is not the best use of the clinic’s time and it uses up a new patient slot which could have been offered to another patient.